The Many Benefits of Using an Integrated Material Handling Solutions Provider

Dec 06, 2024
integrated warehouse solutions

With over 700 technicians and 21 locations, Raymond West serves the Western United States from Alaska all the way to Arizona. With our network of other Raymond dealers across the country, we can service nearly any location in the country.

Many warehouse operations use different vendors for different areas of their business.  They might have one vendor that they purchase forklifts from, another that provides their racking, another that provides automation solutions, and so on. 

On the service side, they may have an equally fragmented mix of companies.  One provider that does racking repairs, another that handles overhead doors and dock levelers, and yet another that services their conveyors.

For larger organizations, multiplying this mix of vendors and service providers across different regions and states results in a complex network of suppliers that is very difficult to manage.

One Call That Does It All

What if you could call one company to handle everything for you?  A company that could engineer your new warehouse systems with the “big picture” in mind, not just individual projects or pieces of equipment?  A trusted partner that could understand your business and help you make informed, ROI driven decisions? 

Better yet, what if that partner could service all of your equipment and provide parts for almost anything in your warehouse at any of your locations?  Whether you need to replace a conveyor motor in Los Angeles, or you need new dock bumpers in Seattle, you could call the same company and expect consistent, excellent service.

Size (and Scalability) Matters

Truthfully, there aren’t many organizations with the size and resources to handle operations at that scale.  Raymond West just happens to be among the largest material handling suppliers in the West.

With over 700 technicians and 21 locations, we serve the Western United States from Alaska all the way to Arizona.  With our network of other Raymond dealers across the country, we can service nearly any location in the country.

More Than Just Forklifts

Although many people think of Raymond as a forklift company, we are an advanced material handling solutions provider with expertise in just about every area of your warehouse or distribution center.   We offer end-to-end engineering, installation and service of all types of warehouse equipment, from conveyors and AS/RS systems to AGVs and robotics.

Call Us to Simplify Your Operation

If greater economies of scale, greater efficiency in your operation and fewer vendors to manage sound like a good idea to you, call us today!