Toyota Material Handling Mercosur (TMHM) Comercio Industria De Equip. LTDA
- Paris 165, Don Torcuato
- Buenos Aires, CP B1611ADA, Argentina
- Phone: +5411 2152 5500 int. 5540
- Website: https://www.toyota-industries.com.ar/
- Email: info@tmhm.toyota-industries.com.ar
Global Locator
Toyota Material Handling Australia Pty Ltd (TMHA)
- 8 Secombe Place
- Moorebank, NSW 2170
- Phone: 011-612-8706-6200
- Website: http://www.toyotamaterialhandling.com.au/
- Email: info@tmha.com.au
Navana Limited
- 205-207 Tejgaon Industrial Area
- Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh
- Phone: 880 1841328952
- Website:
- Email: simon@amartoyota.com
Toyota Material Handling Mercosur IND. E COM. DE EQUIPAMENTOS LTDA.
- Rodovia Antonio Heil, 3400
- Itaipava, Itajai SC 88316-003, Brasil
- Phone: +55 11 3053-0415
- Website: http://www.toyotaempilhadeiras.com.br/
- Email: Roberto.ueda@tmhm.toyota-industries.com.br
Toyota Material Handling Mercosur Com. Equip. LTDA.
- Av. Rocha Pombo, 2561 - 7C
- 83010-620 - São José dos Pinhais - PR - Brasil
- Phone: (11) 3511 – 0417
- Website: http://www.toyotaempilhadeiras.com.br/
- Email: jorge.bittencourt@tmhm.toyota-industries.com.br
Toyota Material Handling Mercosur Com. Equip. LTDA.
- av Prestas Maia, 1587 Diadema
- Sao Paulo 09930-270 Brasil
- Phone: (11) 3511 – 0417
- Website: http://www.toyotaempilhadeiras.com.br/
- Email: jorge.bittencourt@tmhm.toyota-industries.com.br
G.N. Johnston Equipment Co., Ltd.
- 5990 Avebury Road
- Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3R2
- Phone: 9057126000
- Website: www.johnstonequipment.com
- Email: info@johnstonequipment.com
G.N. Johnston Equipment Co., Ltd.
- 2100 Bantree Avenue, Unit 10
- Ottawa, Ontario K1B 5R4
- Phone: 6137450744
- Website: www.johnstonequipment.com
- Email: info@johnstonequipment.com
G.N. Johnston Equipment Co., Ltd.
- 2880 45th Ave SE Bay 308332
- Calgary, Alberta T2B 3M1
- Phone: 4032581221
- Website: www.johnstonequipment.com
- Email: info@johnstonequipment.com
G.N. Johnston Equipment Co., Ltd.
- 15 Garland Avenue, Unit 3
- Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3B OA6
- Phone: 9024681457
- Website: www.johnstonequipment.com
- Email: info@johnstonequipment.com
G.N. Johnston Equipment Co., Ltd.
- No. 105 581 Chester Road Annacis Island
- Delta, British Columbia V3M 6G7
- Phone: 6045240361
- Website: www.johnstonequipment.com
- Email: info@johnstonequipment.com
G.N. Johnston Equipment Co., Ltd.
- 1080 Champlain Street Unit 4
- Dieppe, New Brunswick E1A 8L8
- Phone: 5068578766
- Website: www.johnstonequipment.com
- Email: info@johnstonequipment.com
G.N. Johnston Equipment Co., Ltd.
- 11204 184th Street
- Edmonton, Alberta T5S 2S6
- Phone: 7804837051
- Website: www.johnstonequipment.com
- Email: info@johnstonequipment.com
G.N. Johnston Equipment Co., Ltd.
- 117 Clyde Ave Unit 1A
- Mount Pearl, Newfoundland A1N 4R9
- Phone: 18003246156
- Website: www.johnstonequipment.com
- Email: info@johnstonequipment.com
G.N. Johnston Equipment Co., Ltd.
- 707B McDonald Street
- Regina, Saskatchewan S4N 5M2
- Phone: 3067212300
- Website: www.johnstonequipment.com
- Email: info@johnstonequipment.com
G.N. Johnston Equipment Co., Ltd.
- 3047 Millar Avenue
- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 6G5
- Phone: 3069348888
- Website: www.johnstonequipment.com
- Email: info@johnstonequipment.com
G.N. Johnston Equipment Co., Ltd.
- 5000 Levy St
- St. Laurent, Quebec H4R 2P1
- Phone: 5149560020
- Website: www.johnstonequipment.com
- Email: info@johnstonequipment.com
G.N. Johnston Equipment Co., Ltd.
- 3200 rue Watt Street Suite 105
- Ste. Foy, Quebec G1X 4P8
- Phone: 4186501620
- Website: www.johnstonequipment.com
- Email: info@johnstonequipment.com
G.N. Johnston Equipment Co., Ltd.
- 85 Keith Road
- Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0H7
- Phone: 2046334364
- Website: www.johnstonequipment.com
- Email: info@johnstonequipment.com
- Camino Santa Margarita 01870 Puerta Sur San Bernardo
- Santiago CL
- Phone: 011-562-382-9734
- Website: www.arrimaq.com
- Email: jpenriquez@arrimaq.com
Toyota Material Handling Shanghai
- 17F, Metro Plaza NO 555, Lou Shan Guan Road
- Shanghai 200051 China CN
- Phone: 011-86-21-6228-7722
- Website:
- Email: yang.yongshun@tmhs.com.cn
Distribuidora Toyota SAS
- Av. Carrera 70 No 102-02
- Bogota, D.C. Colombia
- Phone: 011 57 1 6430505
- Website: http://www.distoyota.com
- Email: francisco.hernandez@distoyota.com.co
Costa Rica
Tractormotriz S.A.
- La Uruca, Frente A La Fabrica Pozuelo
- San Jose, Costa Rica CR
- Phone: (506) 2549-2500
- Website: tractomotriz.com
- Email: alejandro.gallegos@tractomotriz.com; gustavo.rojas@tractomotriz.com
Corporacion Nexum NexumCorp S.A.
- Av: Carlos Julio Arosemena KM
- Guayaquil EC 00000
- Phone: 593 4 3704700 ext. 1726
- Website: www.toyocosta.com
- Email: oromero@toyocosta.com.ec
Toyota Misr For Trading
- 10 Greek Hospital Street Industrial Zone
- Abbassia, Egypt
- Phone: 011-202-24880403
- Website:
- Email: ybedihi@toyotaegypt.com.eg
Far East Equipment Co. LLC
- 17-3311 Corsair Rd
- Tiyan Barrigada 96913 Guam USA
- Phone: 011-671-473-4376
- Website: www.fareastequipment.com
- Email: jlimtiaco@fareastequipment.com
Tecnica Universal, S.A. (TECUN)
- 3a. Calle 3-60 Zona 9
- Guatemala, C.A. 01009
- Phone: 011-502-2328-8888
- Website: www.grupotecun.com
- Email: edeleon@grupotecun.com
Toyota Material Handling India PVT. LTD
- 43, Mile Stone, NH-8, Delhi - Jaipur Highway
- Gurgaon, Haryana 122004, India
- Phone:
- Website: http://toyotamaterialhandlingindia.com/
- Email:
Toyota Material Handling India Private Limited (TMHIN)
- Sy. No 24/1, Marohalli, T-Begur, Kasaba Hobli
- Nelamangala Taluk, Bangalore Rural District, 562123 Karnataka (India)
- Phone: +9164890998
- Website: http://toyotamaterialhandlingindia.com/
- Email: sandeep.bp@tmhin.toyota-industries.com
P T Traktor
- J L Pulagadung Raya No 32, Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung
- Jakarta Indonesia 13930
- Phone: 011-62-21-4608836
- Website: www.traknus.co.id
- Email: Benny.Rachmadi@traknus.co.id
Union Industrial Vehicle LTD
- P.O.B. 700
- Holon, Israel 5885810
- Phone: +972-74-7155507
- Website:
- Email: Yaron.gortler@toyota.co.il
Kingdom of Bahrain
Ebrahim K. Kanoo BSC©
- P. O. Box 119, Bldg 510 Qassim Al-Mehzaa Road,
- Road No: 366, Block: 302, Manama
- Phone: 011 97317730730
- Website: www.ekkanoo.com.bh
- Email: Hisham.a@ekkanoo.com.bh
DPL Corp.
- #831-35, Deokpyeong-ro, Majang-Myeon
- Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 17389
- Phone: 011 82316374111
- Website:
- Email:
Bahrah Trading Company WLL
- P O Box 5869, Al Rai St No 22
- Safat, Kuwait 13059
- Phone: 011-965-2-4761061
- Website:
- Email:
- PO Box 7052 40915 Shah Alam
- Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
- Phone: 011-60-3-5519-1201
- Website:
- Email:
Distribuciones Molina S.A. de C.V.
- Hacienda la Calerilla #168 Santa Maria Tequepexpan
- San Pedro Tlaquepague, Jalisco C.P. 45601 Mexico
- Phone: 011-52-33-3810-2002
- Website: www.grupodimosa.com
- Email: ramonmolina@grupodimosa.com
J.V. Abastecedora de Montacargas, S.A. de C.V.
- Prolongación Victoria #93, Col. San Miguel Apetlachica
- Cuautlancingo, Puebla 72700 Mexico
- Phone: 52 (222) 210 6602
- Website:
- Email: manueltorres@jvmontacargas.com.mx
Malin Integrated Handling Solutions and Design - El Paso, TX
- 11800 Rojas Drive Suite C-7
- El Paso, TX 79936-7425
- Phone: 915-592-2680
- Website: www.malinusa.com
- Email: info@malinusa.com
Malin Integrated Handling Solutions and Design - McAllen, TX
- 4200 West Military Highway Suite 4216
- McAllen, TX 78503
- Phone: 956-683-7600
- Website: https://www.malinusa.com
- Email: info@malinusa.com
Mex Material Handling, S.A. de C.V.
- Blvd. López Portillo #302, Esquina con Av. De la Reforma, Col. Ley 57
- Hermosillo, Sonora, C.P. 83100
- Phone: 011-52-662-210-7808
- Website: www.mmh.com.mx
- Email: m.delcastillo@mmh.com.mx
- Calle Estado de México #3-A Col. Barrio Norte, Atizapan de Zaragoza
- Estado de Mexico C.P. 52960
- Phone: 011-52-55-5816-5800
- Website: www.montacargas.com
- Email: carloscamarillo@montacargas.com
Montacargas AC, S.A. de C.V.
- Calle Tercera No. 344 Col. San Jose de los Cerritos
- Saltillo, Coahuila C.P. 25294
- Phone: 011-52-844-485-0448
- Website: www.montacargas-ac.com.mx
- Email: ltores@montacargas-ac.com.mx
Montacargas AC, S.A. de C.V.
- Av. Ruiz Cortines #195-A, Esq. Carretera Miguel Alemán, Parque Ind. Kalos, Col. Jardines de la Victoria
- Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon C.P. 67110
- Phone: 011-52-81-8364-0930
- Website: www.montacargas-ac.com.mx
- Email: oscar_mendizabal@montacargas-ac.com.mx
Montacargas AC, S.A. de C.V.
- Acceso III, 16-A Nave 11, Zona Industrial Benito Juárez
- Queretaro, Queretaro C.P. 76140
- Phone: 011-52-442-246-0112
- Website: www.montacargas-ac.com.mx
- Email: luisfelipe-mendizabal@montacargas-ac.com.mx
Montacargas AC, S.A. de C.V.
- Eje 126 #286, Zona Industrial del Potosí
- San Luis Potosi, S.L.P. C.P. 78395
- Phone: 011-52-44-4824-0290
- Website: www.montacargas-ac.com.mx
- Email: cr-mendizabal@montacargas-ac.com.mx
Montacargas Y Baterias Industriales, S.A. DE C.V.
- Av. De Las Industrias No. 6504-1. Fracc. Almacenes Industriales
- Chihuahua, Chih 31140
- Phone: 011-52-614-421-21-77
- Website:
- Email: lgarza@mobinsa.com
MOTSA Industrial, S.A. de C.V.
- Avena No. 587 Col. Granjas México
- Delegación Iztacalco, Mexico, D.F. C.P. 08400
- Phone: 011-52-555-672-6397
- Website: www.motsa.com.MX
- Email: Ferbabdi,t@motsa.com.mx
Corporacion Raymond De México, S.A. De C.V.
- Acceso V, #107-B, Desarrollo Montaña 2000, sección III.
- Queretaro, Queretaro C.P. 76150
- Phone: 011-52-442-209-5001
- Website: www.raymond.com.mx
- Email: cmerlo@raymond.com.mx
Raymond Handling Solutions Inc.
- Av Murua #1000, Bldg G Fracc Capestre Murua
- Tijuana, Baha B.C. 22455
- Phone: 664-979-3460
- Website:
- Email:
Sistemas Integrales Para El Manejo De Carga, S.A. de C.V.
- Calle 32 No. 534-A x 63 y 65, Col. Roble Agricola
- Merida, Yucatán 97390 Mexico
- Phone: 011-52-999-986-0148
- Website:
- Email: gtorres@simacmontacargas.com
New Zealand
AB Equipment
- 101 Cryers Road, East Tamaki PO Box 23-151 Papatoetoe
- Auckland, 2013 New Zealand
- Phone: 011-649-262-2732
- Website:
- Email:
Casa Pellas, S.A.
- Rotunda el Gueguense 300 metros al sur
- Managua, Nicaragua
- Phone: 505-2255-4444 x5454
- Website:
- Email: sgonzalez@casapellas.com
Modern Motors
- Beaumont Road P O Box 8505
- Karachi 75530 Pakistan
- Phone: 011-92-21-568-0347
- Website:
- Email: mmltoy@cyber.net.pk
- Carretera Panamericana Sector Mananitas Tocumen, PO Box 0832-2745
- Panama
- Phone: 011-507-291-0010
- Website: www.teselta.com
- Email: rrojas@powergen.com.pa
Handling Innovation Inc.
- Dow Jones Bldg., Warehouse #5A Km 19, West Service Road, SSH
- Paranaque City, Philippines 1700
- Phone: 011-63-2-8822-2321
- Website:
- Email:
Puerto Rico
Gonzalez Trading, Division of GT Corporation
- P.O. Box 364884 Ave. San Patricia Esq. De Diego
- San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-4884
- Phone: 787-783-9380
- Website: www.gonzaleztrading.com
- Email: gtcorp@caribe.net
Abdullah Abdulghani & Bros. co. W. L. L.
- PO Box 1321
- Doha, Qatar
- Phone: 011 974-44629222
- Website:
- Email: Jaidev@aabqatar.com
Saudi Arabia
Abdul Latif Jameel Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd.
- Haramain Street, Al Nakhil 2 District, P.O. Box 12630
- Jeddah- 21483, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Phone: 011-966-2-693-0000
- Website: http://aljmh.com/
- Email: ALJMHDB@alj.com
UMW Equipment & Engineering Pte Ltd
- 108 International Road
- Singapore, Singapore 629173
- Phone: 011-65-6265-3155
- Website: www.umwequipment.com
- Email: mohd.imran@umweepl.com.sg
South Africa
Saficon Industrial Equipment (Pty) Ltd.
- P O Box 982
- Isando, Johannesburg 1600 South Africa
- Phone: 011-27-11-571-0200
- Website:
- Email:
South Africa Elands
Sri Lanka
United Tractor & Equipment
- 683 Negombo Road
- Mabole, Wattala Sri Lanka
- Phone: 011-9411-293-2109
- Website:
- Email:
Taiwan Warehouse Solutions
- 3F, 192 Sec 2, Chung Shan North Road
- Yang-Mei, Taoyuan Hsien R.O.C.
- Phone: 011-886-3-482-0099
- Website:
- Email: twsco@twsco.com.tw
Toyota Material Handling Warehouse Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
- 57 Moo 6, King Kaew Road, Racha Thewa
- Bang Phli, Samut Prakan 10540
- Phone: 02-721-6480
- Website: http://www.toyotawarehousesolutions.co.th
- Email: info@tmhwst.toyota-industries.com
Toyota Material Handling (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (Head Office)
- 57 Moo 6, Kingkaew Road, Racha Thewa, Bang Phli,
- Samut Prakan, 10540 Thailand
- Phone: 66-24-949-152
- Website: https://toyota-material-handling.co.th/
- Email: kodama@tmhth.toyota-industries.com
Trinidad and Tobago
Massy Machinery Ltd. and Tracmac Engineering
- Uriah Butler Highway
- Chaguanas, Trinidad
- Phone: 868-665-5555
- Website: www.tracmac.com
- Email:
United Arab Emirates
P.S.L. Co. Ltd
- 262 Nguyen Van Daust Binh Thanh District
- Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Phone: 011-848-515-8339
- Website:
- Email: tranthanhson@hcm.fpt.vn
UMW Equipment Systems (Vietnam) Co, Ltd.
- 12A, Doc Lap Avenue, Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park,
- Binh Hoa Ward, Thuan An Town, Binh Duong Province, Socialist Republic of Vietnam
- Phone: 84 274 3743 500
- Website: http://www.umw-esvn.com/
- Email: Hung.tv@umw-esvn.com