Raymond West Intralogistics Solutions Rebrand FAQs

What is the motivation behind the consolidation / rebranding?
Operating as one entity will create clarity and simplicity within our organization, and enable future growth to better support our customers. Intralogistics Solutions conveys the vast range of consulting, technologies, products, services, maintenance and more offered by our Solution and Support Centers.

How will it affect my day-to-day operations?
This change will not affect your day-to-day operations. This is simply a way to represent all three Solution and Support Centers with one name. All phone numbers will remain the same and your contacts email will continue to work.

Do I need to do anything?
No! You need to take no action on your end.

Details on what is changing:
Employees will be receiving new emails of the form first.last@raymondwest.com, but all old emails will still work as well. Our primary website is now: www.raymondwest.com 
All invoices, quotes and PO’s will have the Raymond West logo on them, but checks should remain payable to your respective Solutions and Support Center.

Where should payments be sent to?
Please continue sending payments to your respective Solution and Support Center as noted on your invoice under the remittance address section and not Raymond West Intralogistics Solutions.

Who do I contact if I have additional questions about this announcement?
Any accounting questions should be directed to: billinginquiries@raymondwest.com. Someone from our Accounts Receivable Department will be more than happy to connect and answer your questions.
Other questions can be directed to Marketing: tracey.meyers@raymondwest.com